Hydrogen Peroxide on Amazon

Amazon, the place where you can find just about everything, right?  Well you can't find high strength Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. 

In April of 2018 Amazon changed their policy to no longer allows sales of Hydrogen Peroxide over 12%.

Funny thing, you can do a search of 35% or 17.5% on Amazon and still get results.  The results are only 12% but that's not the point.  Shouldn't a search for something they do not sell end up with no results?  They are enabling a bait and switch. The consumers that do not know about the change in policy can easily fall victim to sellers using some creative language.

Another troubling thing about Hydrogen Peroxide on Amazon is the shipping.  Amazon has a lot of hurdles for sellers.  To get to the top of the heap sellers must be very competitive in pricing.  They also have to accept the shipping costs Amazon dictates, even if it doesn't cover the actual cost of shipping.  Add that to the fees and suddenly selling on Amazon is no longer very profitable.  Many sellers on Amazon are shipping 12% Hydrogen Peroxide via USPS Priority Mail because it is the most economical. However, it is illegal!  USPS Publication 52 clearly states that Hydrogen Peroxide over 8% MUST be shipped ground.  That means it cannot be shipped Priority Mail.  So, are they shipping illegally or are they shipping 8%(or less) and calling it 12%?  

When shopping online many consumers feel safe buying from Amazon, but clearly Amazon it not protecting their customers that are buying Hydrogen Peroxide.

With Modern Alchemy you always know exactly what you will get.  When you buy on our website you will receive 17.5%.  When you buy from our Amazon Storefront you will receive 12%.  We guarantee it.